Friday, October 1, 2010

is technology helpful in medication-use process?

In our generation today, technology is one of the very used inventions.  Using technology made our life easier. It gives us ways that can help us to improve our activities in daily living and not only in our day to day activities but also technology improves the work of many establishments, community, organizations and facilities. Like for example in a hospital or health care facility, with the use of technology many diseases or problems are now having accurate results in their respective diagnostic exam because of the advance technology.  But now, not only the diagnostic machines was transformed by technology, but also the outpatient setting records, health prescription, medication administration, orders, patients record, medication management, and dosage calculations of medications. Because of technology, the discrepancies and errors made when we are still using the old system were reduced. By using the technology-based systems and records in hospitals and health care facilities, the facility have improve their workflow and provide a new source of data for continuous quality improvement. It also improves patient care and minimizes human memory created records.  It also improves the administration of medications. Because of this, we had already decreased the risk for death because of the wrong interpretation of hand writing in the patients chart. It is easy for the medical team to render their services because they have already an improve system which gives them a guide for every patient conditions. They will no longer use their brains and hands in calculating medications, IV fluids and others because the computer system will do it for them. It will reduce the risk of errors because the right formula for the calculation is had already been programmed in the system. That’s why technology in medication use-process is an advantage in our world today.

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